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Thank you for showing interest to make hover grow!

In this guide you will get an overview of the contribution workflow from cloning the project repository, creating a new component, creating reviewing, and merging your Pull Request.

1. Cloning the repository

First step is to fork the hover project from Github

Note: We have a Playbook for the best practices read more here

2. Understanding the Project

The file structure of the project is as follows:

┣ docs // codebase for documentation
┣ examples // has examples for usage
┗ packages/react // react codebase of library

The project is a Monorepo making use of Turborepo for managing everything. With PNPM as the package manager

3. Locally building and installing

We use PNPM as the package manager. Refer here for installation instructions.

in the root of the project run the command

pnpm i

This installs all dependencies and gets you ready to run your project using

pnpm dev

this spins up the docs and the lib in watch mode. The docs is symlinked locally so all changes made in the lib folder will be reflected immediately.

4. Adding a new component

To add any new component we first make the spec, we add our plans and api makeup on the docs in docs/docs/components by creating a .mdx file.

Once the spec is created raise a PR and ask for either @pruthvi2103 or @Raalzz 's review.

We can proceed with development after that. The project uses the following tech stack

Raise a PR after contributing the code and replacing spec with actual documentation.

For our Ideas, methodology and reasonings refer to our Wiki

We also have a Playbook where we document our best practices and 'what to dos'

refer Prerequisites to look at what approach to follow.

Thank you for taking the time to read this doc. to suggest anything do not be afraid to create an issue at the hover repo

5. Testing locally.

We use Ladle for writing stories. All you need to do is write a .story.tsx file and see the magic happen by running pnpm ladle.